Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prince of Tennis, Momoshiro's "Dunk smash"

Takeshi Momoshiro's “Dunk Smash”:

A “smash” is a shot that's hit like a serve, high above the head. These hits are known for their power, and are often used against poorly placed lobs (hits that send the ball high over the opponents head and deep into their court).

Momoshiro's hit in the manga resembles a particular kind of smash made popular by the famous professional tennis player Pete Sampras. Also known as the “jump smash,” Sampras would jump up, then smash the ball in midair. The ordinary smashing power combined with his falling weight makes the move nearly undefeatable. In real tennis, this move is often called a slam dunk, after the basketball term. The title of Momoshiro's move combines the two different names of the shot (although they do alternately call it a “jump smash” as well).

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