Friday, October 23, 2009

Norse Thor vs. Anime Thor, Part II: Personality

Original Norse Thor vs. Anime (Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok) Thor


The original Norse-Thor was known for being quick-tempered and fierce, but also for being straight-forward and pleasant most of the time. The anime-Thor is similar to a certain extent, especially in being open and easy to get along with. He has a tendency to flare up when he sees injustice going on, but “hotheadedness” isn't really one of his defining personality traits.

Like in the Norse myths, anime-Thor is one of the “good guys,” and consistently helps Loki and his friends out, despite the fact that he was sent to earth as one of the assassins meant to kill Loki. He never gets around to it, not finding “a compelling enough reason.” (He attacked Loki once, but he was possessed by one of the Norns' spell.)

Although, anime-Thor tends to be somewhat bossy with Loki's son Jörmungandr (who goes by the name “Yamano” in the anime). It's possible this could hint at Thor's and Jörmungandr's status as mortal enemies who kill each other at Ragnarok in the original myths.

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