Thursday, October 29, 2009

Norse Thor vs. Anime Thor, Part III: Weapon

Original Norse Thor vs. Anime (Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok) Thor, Part III: Weapon


In the Norse myths, Thor's weapon is a hammer called Mjöllnir. The anime gives the weapon a more Japanese twist by making it a wooden sword instead. Mjöllnir was always important to Thor in the myths and in the anime, Thor often refers to it as his “trusted partner.”

Myth/Anime Storyline Parallels

At one point in the original myths, a giant steals the weapon Mjöllnir (mentioned above) from Thor. The giant then refuses to give it back unless Freyja (the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility) agrees to marry him. She refuses to go however, and the other gods form an alternate plan to get the hammer back. Thor, though vehemently opposed to the idea, was forced to put on a bridal gown and veil. He then goes to the giant, pretending to be Freyja, playing along until the opportunity arises to recover the hammer.

The anime pays homage to this story in one episode where a character is getting married, but winds up kidnapped by the antagonists. The bridesmaid, not wanting the guests to get impatient, convinces Thor to dress up in the white dress, veil, and make-up of the bride for the first part of the ceremony. (Not realizing the emergency, Thor and the bridesmaid hoped the real bride would still come.)

[Okay, this is the last subject I'm talking about on the Norse Mythology vein. With the Norns, Loki's children, Freyja and Freyr, Heimdall, the concept of 'Ragnarok,' not to mention all the monsters and deities that made cameo appearances in different episodes, I could probably go on about this forever...]


  1. I found a book for you to read if you are interested. It contains the supposed original prose of Norse Mythology and its not translation but meanings or interpretation. It seems to be a great short read. Its called The Prose Edda byt Snorri Sturluson. If you do pick it up, let me know what you think.

  2. Sounds interesting, thanks. If they have it at the library, I'll definitely look it up.
